Saturday 23 June 2012

Initial Concept

Bank St Arts, Sheffield, UK Bank St Arts put a call out for artists submissions for their exhibition 12x12x12. This exhibition will begin on the 12/12/12 the last time this date will appear this Century. Lou Hazelwood has been accepted into this exhibition. Her concept was to bring together 12 artists/collaborations that she will curate into the show.  She has asked all participating artists to undertake and develop a research project that will see them linking the 12 dates in 2012 (12th December - 24th December inclusive) with the respective dates in previous/future centuries e.g. 1912 or 1712 etc. All the artists have chosen different themes to work on, from the UK's involvement in conflict, 12 times tables, birth and mortality rates, correspondence, communication and language and maps are but a few. All the final work shown will be in dimensions of 12 or if time based work a minute per day making 12 minutes. Follow all the artists research here and see the individual and collective projects develop.